Containerizing ML model — Task0 1
In this article, we’ll see how to containerize any Machine Learning model using a Docker container.
📄 Task Objectives
👉 Pull the Docker container image of CentOS image from DockerHub and create a new container
👉 Install the Python software on the top of the docker container
👉 In Container you need to copy/create a machine learning model which you have created in jupyter notebook
Let’s get started…
To install docker follow part 1 of the following blog,
STEP 2: START and check the SERVICE of Docker
systemctl start docker
systemctl status docker
STEP 3: PULL the Docker Image of centos
docker pull centos:latest
STEP 4: LAUNCH a docker container using the run command
docker run -it --name <name for your container> centos:latest
After launching the OS, you will be inside your container, install the dependencies for your ML model,
To Download:
→ Python
yum install python36
→ scikit-learn
pip3 install scikit-learn
→ git
yum install git -y
I’m downloading git, to download the dataset in the docker container.
→ pandas
pip3 install pandas
STEP 5: Download your dataset in the docker container
I’m putting my dataset in the docker container with the help of the git command. First, I’ll put the dataset and other code into my Github repository and then clone the repository in the Docker container using the git clone command.
git clone <your git repo url>
The file contents are as follows:
Dataset : salary.csv : :
STEP 6: RUN your python files
Finally, the model is trained and we got the Desired Result — Salary Prediction model !
You can even create an image of this(your) container and use it for future purposes
First, commit your image then tag and push into the docker hub
docker commit <container name> <image name>:versiondocker login
docker tag <image name>:version <docker repo name>
docker push <docker repo name>
Successfully pushed now you can pull your own custom image and use the ML model whenever needed.
My docker image for Salary Prediction ML model:
docker pull 181930/salarypred:v1